About Us

The Journey of Sand Sandals...
Sandy Barajas is the founder of SAND SANDALS. At an early age she experienced the tough lessons of life that taught her responsibility, hard work and perseverance. Tough love molded her to be the woman that she is today. Facing so many obstacles in her early years’ teenage pregnancy, domestic violence and gangs she knew she had two choices in life. Either continue to be part of a statistic or do something to change the situation and be a success story. In the ordeal of life her decision to go back to school and get her high school diploma was her number one priority. “This exposed me to a world of knowledge.” There were no limits in the sky, the only obstacle was me and my decisions.” She learned the art of giving back. She served many years volunteering her time to non-profits that worked with minority groups. Her biggest influence was the women from MANA de San Diego where she served as mentor to young Latinas in Jr & High School. She participated in several boards and leadership groups throughout San Diego County which exposed her to see the needs of the communities.
Years later all that hard work turned into a passion to live life with heart. She took on the most rewarding hobby, traveling. She began her travels around Mexico in 2009 where she was truly exposed to her culture. In her years of travels, she became infatuated with the arts, vibrant colors, food and the music of her country. Coming to the United States at only months old she never really felt that connection to her roots. “I traveled to gain knowledge of what existed out there, a sense of knowing who I was.” In her journey she developed the urge to share a bit of the beautiful artisanal world. It was that one trip that she fell in love with the beautiful hand made shoes. “I will never forget that pair of wedges, I wore for 14 hours one day.” She knew she had found her new venture. Not only were the shoes beautiful and vibrant, but comfortable. This is where the journey began.
Sandy Barajas es la fundadora de “SAND SANDALS”. A una edad temprana experimentó las duras lecciones de vida que le enseñaron su responsabilidad, trabajo duro y perseverancia. El amor duro la moldeó para ser la mujer que es hoy. Enfrentando tantos obstáculos: Un embarazo en la adolescencia, violencia doméstica y pandillas. Sabía que tenía dos opciones en la vida: O continúas siendo parte de una estadística o haces algo para cambiar la situación y ser una historia de éxito.
Al llegar a los Estados Unidos con sólo unos meses de edad, nunca sintió realmente esa conexión con sus raíces. "Viajé para obtener conocimiento de lo que existía, una sensación de saber quién era yo". En su viaje, desarrolló el impulso de compartir un poco del hermoso mundo artesanal. Precisamente en ese viaje fue que Sandy se enamoró de los hermosos zapatos hechos a mano. "Nunca olvidaré ese par de zapatos de cuña que usé durante 14 horas". Ella sabía que había encontrado su nueva empresa. Los zapatos no sólo eran hermosos y vibrantes, si no también cómodos. Aquí es donde comenzó la historia.